Yes, You Can Look Amazing In Your Headshot

Have you ever put off something that you know you should do? Of course you have. We all have. Exercise. Getting the “check engine” light in your car fixed. Having a hard conversation with someone. Making an appointment with the dentist. The list goes on, and on, and on, and on…

Why do we do this? My friend Harris III, a top-rated speaker, bestselling author, and serial entrepreneur calls it a mis-use of our imaginations. We picture worst-case outcomes, focusing on the bad that could happen (no matter how unlikely) instead of imagining how we could benefit from taking the action. Often these negative thoughts stem from lies we tell ourselves. We believe we can’t, aren’t, or won’t, and tell ourselves such on a regular basis until we start believing it.

As an in-demand St. Louis headshot photographer, I can attest that getting their photo taken is something many people dread. They’d much rather use a bad photo of themselves from seven years ago than take a few minutes for a new headshot. I regularly hear comments like:

“I hate getting my picture taken.”

“You can Photoshop me, right?”

“I hope I don’t break your camera.”

“I’m ugly.”

“I hate how I look.”

“It’s not you, I just never take a good picture.”

These are all real comments I have heard in the past six months. Some of them many times over during that span. I’ve even had one person literally say “I don’t smile.” How sad!

Unfortunately, these thoughts plague many of us. I get it. We all have things about ourselves we don’t necessarily love. Maybe our teeth could be straighter or whiter. We wish our hair was fuller, curlier, straighter, less gray, or just…”different.” We think, “If only I was…”

With entire industries focused on convincing us we have to change how we look, it’s no wonder sitting for a headshot can be anxiety-producing. The reality is that while most of us may never be asked to be a model or on the big screen, everyone can be photogenic. Everyone. No Photoshop required.

Here are five things you can do the next time you have your photo taken that will make the process more enjoyable and lead to images that you just might love.

  1. First, stop hating on yourself. We are our own worst critics and the reality is that nobody pays as close attention to how you look as you do. They’re too busy worrying about themselves! Besides, those actors and models whose looks we admire? Yeah, they don’t really look like that without their team of stylists, makeup artists, etc., so give yourself a break. Your appearance is the only one you have. Embrace it.

  2. Second, our “imperfections” are what make us unique. They are part of what makes you, “you.” There’s no one that looks exactly like you. That is awesome! Characteristics like confidence and happiness are far more attractive than a “perfect” nose or flawless skin.

  3. Third, let’s agree to devote our brainpower and energy to things we can control and that matter the most. Worrying isn’t constructive. If you have specific concerns, of course share them with your photographer. If there’s anything we can do for you, we will. But then let it go. Worry and stress DO come through the lens, and do far more to detract from your appearance than anything else.

  4. Fourth, trust the professionals. If you are working with a photographer that knows their stuff, let them give you some direction. You may feel awkward or unnatural at first. You may not immediately understand how what they are asking you to do will help. But it is literally their job to help make you look good. Let them help you.

  5. Finally, allow yourself to have some fun during the process. The more relaxed you are, the more you allow yourself to smile naturally or even laugh, the better your headshots will be. This is easier when we aren’t taking ourselves so seriously, and that’s when our genuine, infectious smiles come out, the type of smile that guarantees a beautiful headshot.

Need new headshots for yourself or your organization? I’d love to work with you. I specialize in creating beautiful, engaging headshots for people who may be uncomfortable in front of the lens. Let’s schedule a discovery call to see if  we would be a good fit.


Why Your Organization Needs New Headshots