Why Your Organization Needs New Headshots
As you begin to consider all the things you need to do in 2025, where does updating your organization’s headshots fall? This is a project that can sometimes be easy to defer to a vague, non-specific future date. Some other projects might seem more urgent, and after all, it can seem like a lot of work. Finding a photographer, scheduling, uploading the new images to your website, social media platforms, etc.
There are significant benefits to prioritizing your headshots however. Ones that can resonate with both your audience and your staff. Here are five key reasons why you should update your organization’s headshots in 2025.
Make a Memorable First Impression
First impressions start online. This is especially if your business has a lot of “face-to-face” interactions. A professional headshot featuring an authentic expression conveys confidence, skill, and approachability. On the other hand, a outdated or lower quality headshot can make it look like you don’t care, that your organization is out of date, and you don’t place a high value on your audience.
Build trust
Your audience wants to see who they will be interacting with. The importance of providing a personal connection has become even more important post-COVID. Research shows the “Staff” or “About Us” type pages are typically among the most-visited pages on any site. But these visitors to your site can feel mislead when the headshots they see do not look like the person they are interacting with.
Credibility leads to connections, which lead to trust, and trust to relationships. Authentic, current photos can start visitors to your site on this path. When they see up-to-date photos, they are more likely to feel like they are interacting with real, authentic individuals. Current headshots help convey credibility to your audience.Reinforce brand integrity and a sense of unity
Your brand is so much more than your logo, colors, or fonts. It’s your identity, how your audience perceives you. Your imagery is a critical component of your branding. So what message are you sending when your headshots lack consistency of appearance? Disjointedness. Lack of attention to detail. Unprofessionalism.
Also, do you have a plan for new hires? Yes, it might be easier and faster to take a quick photo “in house” when you add a new person to your team, but when the rest of your staff has a professional headshot, how valued will your new person feel?Boost Morale
While your headshots carry tremendous external value, don’t overlook the impact they can have on your team. A professional headshot conveys confidence, and should capture each subject at their best. By providing your team with these sorts of images, you will boost their morale. They will take more pride in themselves and the organization.
Great content for your website and social media channels
When content on your website gets stale, it gets ignored. Worse, when your content obviously hasn’t been updated for a while, your audience is left to wonder how engaged your organization really is.
Updating your headshots is an easy, cost-effective way to refresh your site. Want to leverage your investment for an even greater return? Now you have professional, current team photos for social media. Celebrate achievements. Position your staff as subject matter experts. You now have a library of professional photos to use for a variety of purposes.
Interested in updating your team’s headshots? I LOVE working with organizations large and small to create captivating images that put their team members in the best possible light. Contact me and let’s talk about how I can help you or your organization.